The 7 Different Types of Paint Rollers and How to Use Them

When painting a room, it’s important to use the right tools for the job. Different types of paint rollers can be used for different purposes, and each one has its own set of benefits. In this blog post, we will discuss the seven different types of paint rollers and how to use them!

Paint rollers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they can generally be divided into seven categories: foam rollers, nap rollers, microfiber rollers, sheepskin rollers, short-nap rollers, medium-nap rollers, and long-nap rollers. Let’s take a closer look at each one!

  • Foam Rollers: Foam paint roller covers are made of polyurethane foam and are the most common type of roller cover. They are inexpensive and easy to use, making them ideal for beginners. Foam covers work well with both latex and oil-based paints. However, they don’t last as long as microfiber rollers and they don’t work well with thicker paints.
  • Nap Rollers: Nap paint roller covers are made of natural or synthetic fibers and are ideal for painting smooth surfaces. They come in a variety of textures, including standard, flocked, and mohair. Nap covers work best with latex paints.
  • Microfiber Rollers: Microfiber paint roller covers are made of synthetic materials and are designed to produce a smooth finish. They are perfect for use on cabinets, trim, and other delicate surfaces. Microfiber rollers should not be used with oil-based paints.
  • Sheepskin Rollers: Sheepskin paint roller covers are made from the wool of sheepskin and are perfect for creating a textured finish. They work well with both latex and oil-based paints.
  • Short-Nap Rollers: Short-nap paint roller covers are made of natural or synthetic fibers and are designed for use on smooth surfaces. They work best with latex paints.
  • Medium-Nap Rollers: Medium-nap paint roller covers are made of natural or synthetic fibers and are perfect for use on medium to rough surfaces. They come in a variety of textures, including standard, flocked, and mohair. Medium-nap rollers work well with both latex and oil-based paints.
  • Long-Nap Rollers: Long-nap paint roller covers are made of natural or synthetic fibers and are designed for use on rough surfaces. They come in a variety of textures, including standard, flocked, and mohair Long-nap rollers work well with both latex and oil-based paints.

Now that you know about the different types of paint rollers, it’s time to learn how to use them!

How to Use Paint Rollers

When using a paint roller, be sure to load it up with enough paint so that it does not run dry mid-stroke. To do this, dip the roller into the paint tray at a 45-degree angle and then roll it off onto a piece of cardboard or scrap paper to remove any excess. Once you have a nice, even coat of paint on your roller, you’re ready to start painting!

To paint, begin at the top of your surface and work your way down in even strokes. Overlap each stroke slightly to ensure that you don’t miss any spots. As you work, periodically reload your roller with more paint to avoid running out. When you’re finished painting, simply remove the roller cover and wash it in soapy water for reuse later.

Which Paint Roller Gives the Smoothest Finish?

If you’re looking for a paint roller that will give you the smoothest finish possible, we recommend using a microfiber roller. Microfiber rollers provide a smooth, even application of paint and they’re less likely to leave behind any streaks or brush marks.

How to Choose the Right Paint Roller

  • First, consider the size of the surface you are painting. If the surface is small, a foam roller will be sufficient. However, if the surface is large, you will need a roller with a larger diameter, such as a latex roller.
  • Second, consider the type of paint you are using. If you are using water-based paint, we recommend using a latex roller. If you are using oil-based paint, we recommend using a foam or microfiber roller.
  • Finally, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when choosing and using a roller. Each brand and type of roller has its own specific instructions that should be followed for optimal results.

How to Avoid Roller Marks When Painting

One of the most important things to do when painting is to use a good quality paint roller. A cheap roller will likely leave marks on your walls. Another important tip is to make sure that you roll the paint on in even strokes. Avoid rolling back and forth or zig-zagging, as this can also cause marks. Finally, don’t overload your roller with paint. It is better to apply several thin layers of paint than one thick layer. By following these tips, you should be able to avoid roller marks and get a beautiful, smooth finish!

What Rollers Do Professional Painters Use?

One of the most common rollers that professional painters use is the foam roller. Foam rollers are ideal for painting large surfaces because they provide even coverage and minimize streaks. In addition, foam rollers are easy to use and clean up.

Another type of roller that professional painters often use is the microfiber roller. Microfiber rollers are made of synthetic materials, which makes them durable and long-lasting. They also absorb more paint than other types of rollers, making them perfect for painting cabinets or trim work.

Finally, professional painters sometimes use a latex roller when painting walls or ceilings. Latex rollers have a smooth finish and can be used on both interior and exterior surfaces. They are also easy to clean and can be used with both water-based and oil-based paints.

Time To Paint!

Now that you know how to use a paint roller like a pro, put your new skills to the test and transform your home’s walls from drab to fab! Thanks for reading!