How To Organize Your Kitchen Cabinets

Have you ever opened your kitchen cabinets and felt overwhelmed by the clutter? Do you find yourself struggling to locate specific items or constantly shuffling things around to make room for new purchases?

I’ve seen it all when it comes to disorganized kitchens. But fear not! With these simple steps, you can transform your chaos into an organized oasis.

Let’s get started!

Assessing Your Current Cabinet Setup

Start by taking a good look at everything in your cabinets. Do you have items that are rarely used or duplicates of things you already have? Consider donating them or selling them online.

Next, take note of any storage issues – do certain items not fit properly or take up too much space? It may be time to invest in some new organizers or shelves.

Once you’ve cleared out any unnecessary items and assessed storage issues, it’s time to think about how you use your kitchen on a daily basis. Are the most frequently used items easily accessible? Consider placing those items within arm’s reach while storing lesser-used items higher up or lower down.

Decluttering And Getting Rid of Excess Items

To get started on decluttering your kitchen cabinets, it’s important to first assess what you have. Take everything out of your cabinets and place them onto a clean surface like your countertop or dining table. Next, sort through each item one-by-one and decide whether it serves a purpose in your daily life or not. If you haven’t used something in over six months, consider letting it go. Once you’ve sorted through all your items, make two piles: keep and donate/toss.

Once you’ve completed the decluttering process, it’s time to organize what remains into categories. Create zones within your cabinets based on how often you use certain items – keep everyday essentials at eye level while storing less-used items up high or down low. Utilize drawer dividers to separate utensils and other small items so they don’t become jumbled together again.


  • Everyday dishes
  • Cooking tools like spatulas


  • Duplicate items (do you really need three can openers?)
  • Damaged or broken pieces

Remember that getting rid of excess doesn’t mean throwing things away – give back by donating gently used cookware or appliances to local charities or shelters in need.

Sorting Items by Category

Now that you’ve emptied your cabinets, it’s time to sort through the items by category. This step is crucial in helping you identify what you have and how much space each item needs. Sorting also allows for easy access when you need something specific.

Start by grouping similar items together such as plates, bowls, cups, and glasses. Then move on to pots and pans or cooking utensils. It’s important to keep like-items together so that everything has a designated spot making it easier to find later on.

Don’t forget about spices! Group them together by type – baking spices versus savory spices – this will make meal prep much more efficient.

Grouping Similar Items Together

Start by taking everything out of your cabinets and sorting them into piles based on their type or use. For example, group all your baking tools like measuring cups, mixing bowls, and whisks together. Do the same with dishes, glasses, pots, and pans.

Once you have everything sorted, decide which cabinet each pile will go in based on how often you use those items and where they are most convenient for you to reach.

When placing items back in the cabinets, be sure to keep like items together. Stack plates next to other plates and bowls near other bowls. Use dividers or shelf risers to create more space when needed. Organize spices alphabetically so that finding what you need is quick and easy.

Designating Specific Areas For Each Type Of Item

First, take a look at all the items you have left after decluttering. Make note of which categories they fall into – such as baking supplies, utensils, or spices. Then, decide where in your cabinets each category should live. For example, keep baking supplies near the oven or stove for easy access when cooking.

Next, use drawer dividers or cabinet organizers to create designated spaces within each area. This will help prevent items from getting mixed up or lost among other things. Use labels if necessary to remind yourself where everything goes.

Finally, stick with your designated areas! It may be tempting to toss something back wherever there is space or leave dishes in the wrong spot because you’re in a rush. But taking an extra minute or two to put things away properly will save you frustration later on.

Here are four tips for designating specific areas for each type of item:

  1. Keep frequently used items at eye level.
  2. Group similar items together.
  3. Utilize vertical space by using shelving risers or hooks.
  4. Store fragile or expensive items separately to prevent damage or loss.

Measuring Your Cabinet Space

This step is important because it will help you determine the best way to organize your items in each cabinet. To start, grab a measuring tape and measure the height, width, and depth of each cabinet. Write these measurements down on a piece of paper or type them into a spreadsheet so that you can reference them later.

It may also be helpful to take note of any shelves or dividers within the cabinets. Once you have all of your measurements recorded, you can begin to plan how you want to organize your items within each cabinet.

Consider using shelf risers or organizers to maximize vertical space and keep similar items together. By taking the time to measure your cabinets before organizing, you’ll be able to create a more efficient storage system for all of your kitchen essentials.

Choosing The Right Organizational Tools

Now that you’ve decluttered and sorted through your kitchen cabinets, it’s time to choose the right organizational tools. These tools will help maximize space utilization and make finding items easier. Here are some tips on how to choose the right ones for your needs.

Firstly, take an inventory of what you have left in each cabinet after decluttering. This will give you a better idea of what type of storage solutions you’ll need. For example, if you have a lot of spices or small jars, consider using a spice rack or tiered shelf insert to save space while keeping everything visible.

Secondly, think about accessibility. Items used frequently should be within easy reach, while those less used can be stored higher up or further back. Drawer dividers are great for separating utensils and cutlery according to use frequency, ensuring everything is easily accessible when needed.

Thirdly, consider aesthetics as well as functionality. Coordinating bins or baskets can add visual appeal while also helping keep things tidy. However, don’t let appearance trump practicality – choose storage solutions that work best for your needs first and foremost.

  • Use drawer dividers to separate utensils by use frequency.
  • Choose coordinating bins or baskets for added visual appeal.
  • Keep frequently used items at eye level for easy access.

Installing Drawer Organizers

First, measure your drawers carefully before purchasing any organizers. You want to make sure they fit snugly without wasting any space.

There are many different types of organizers available, from adjustable dividers to plastic bins with compartments. Choose ones that work best for your needs.

Next, remove all items from the drawer and give it a good clean. This is also a great opportunity to declutter any items you no longer need or use.

Once the drawer is empty and clean, install the organizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Be sure to test it out by putting things back in their designated spaces before moving on to another drawer.

Using Shelf Dividers

One of the best ways to maximize space and keep everything in order is by using shelf dividers. Shelf dividers are a great addition to any kitchen cabinet as they can help separate different types of items like baking sheets, cutting boards, or plates. They also provide additional support for heavier items such as appliances or stacks of dishes.

You can find them at most home goods stores or online retailers. To use shelf dividers effectively, first decide which items you want to group together on each shelf. Then place the divider where you’d like it to go and adjust its width accordingly. Be sure to leave enough space between the divider and the back wall of the cabinet so that larger items can still fit comfortably.

Adding Pull-Out Baskets

Firstly, measure the size of your cabinet drawers to determine what kind of baskets you’ll need. There are plenty of options available online, but make sure to choose ones that slide out smoothly for easy access. Once you’ve selected your baskets, install them according to the instructions provided. It’s usually as simple as screwing in some brackets!

Now comes the fun part – organizing! Here are four ways that incorporating pull-out baskets can transform your kitchen:

  • Say goodbye to stacking: No more reaching into deep cabinets or struggling to lift heavy pots on top of each other. With pull-out baskets, everything is within reach.
  • Utilize awkward spaces: If you have narrow gaps between counters or appliances, use small pull-out baskets for storage instead of letting those spaces go unused.
  • Keep similar items together: Group all pots and pans in one basket and baking sheets in another. This makes finding what you need a breeze.
  • Free up counter space: By using vertical storage with pull-out baskets, you free up valuable countertop real estate.

Incorporating Lazy Susans

Firstly, decide on the location where you want to incorporate a Lazy Susan. Most commonly used for spices and condiments, they can also be useful in corner cabinets or under-sink areas. Measure the space before purchasing a Lazy Susan to ensure it fits properly.

Next, sort through your items and determine which ones will go on the tray. Make sure everything is easy to see and reach once placed on the Lazy Susan. Group similar items together such as baking supplies or canned goods for easier organization.

Maximizing Vertical Space with Stackable Shelves

Now that you’ve tackled sorting through your kitchen cabinets, it’s time to maximize the space in them. One great way to do this is by using stackable shelves. These versatile pieces can help create more surface area for storage and make it easier to see everything at a glance.

To start, measure the height of your cabinet and choose stackable shelves that will fit comfortably inside without wasting space. Place one or two on top of each other to create layers within the cabinet. This allows you to separate items such as dishes, cups, or food containers. It also makes it easy to access what you need without having to dig around.

Another benefit of stackable shelves is that they’re easily adjustable. You can move them up or down depending on what needs to be stored and how much room you have available. Plus, they come in different colors and materials so you can find ones that match your kitchen decor.

  • Stackables are ideal for placing smaller items like spices.
  • Be sure not to overstack them though; no more than three high.
  • They become unstable when stacked too high which creates a safety hazard.

Labeling Your Items for Easy Identification

To make labeling easy and effective, use clear labels or tags with large print on them. You can use a label maker or create your own using index cards and tape. Be sure to include the name of the item, expiration date (if applicable), and any special notes like “fragile” or “use first”. For example:

CerealUpper cabinet
Baking PowderLower cabinet

By doing this, you’ll avoid confusion when trying to locate something specific. It will save you time and energy during meal preparation as well. Plus, it minimizes clutter because every item has its place.

Lastly, review your labeling system periodically to ensure accuracy. If you move an item or add new ones, update the labels accordingly. This way, you won’t waste time looking for a particular ingredient only to realize it moved locations.

Maintaining Your Organized Cabinets

Another way to maintain your organized cabinets is to periodically go through and declutter. As time goes on, you may find that some items are no longer necessary or have expired. By getting rid of these items, you will free up space and keep your cabinets from becoming cluttered again.

Lastly, consider investing in organizational tools such as drawer dividers or shelf risers. These tools can help maximize space and make it easier to access items in your cabinets.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Determine Which Items to Keep and Which to Get Rid Of?

When it comes to decluttering your kitchen, deciding which items to keep and which to get rid of can be a daunting task.

As a professional home organizer, I always recommend starting by taking everything out of your cabinets and laying it all out on the counter.

From there, go through each item one-by-one and ask yourself if you have used it in the past six months or plan on using it in the near future.

If not, it’s time to let it go.

Additionally, consider the condition of the item and whether or not it serves a purpose in your current lifestyle.

Remember that less is often more when it comes to organizing your space!

What Do I Do with Items That I Rarely Use but Can’t Bring Myself to Get Rid Of?

When it comes to decluttering, we all have those items that we rarely use but can’t bring ourselves to get rid of.

My advice as a home organizer is to first ask yourself why you are holding onto these items. Are they sentimental? Do they hold some sort of potential future use?

Once you understand the reason behind your attachment, decide if it’s worth keeping them in prime cabinet real estate. If not, consider storing them elsewhere or donating them to someone who may get more use out of them.

How Do I Organize Cabinets That Are Different Shapes and Sizes?

When it comes to organizing cabinets that have different shapes and sizes, it’s important to first assess what items you plan on storing in each one.

Then, group like items together so they can easily be located when needed.

Utilize shelf risers, drawer dividers, and other organizational tools to maximize space and create a cohesive look.

Don’t forget about the back of your cabinet doors – this is prime real estate for hanging small baskets or hooks to store even more items.

How Do I Prevent Items from Getting Lost in the Back of Deep Cabinets?

Have you ever found yourself rummaging through deep kitchen cabinets trying to find that one ingredient or piece of cookware? It’s frustrating, right? Well, fear not! As a professional home organizer, I’ve got some tips for you.

First off, invest in some pull-out shelves or drawers to make it easier to access items in the back.

Another trick is to use clear bins or containers so you can easily see what’s inside without having to dig around.

And don’t forget about utilizing vertical space with shelf risers or hooks on the sides of your cabinet walls.

What Are Some Creative Ways To Utilize Space In Small Cabinets?

When working with small cabinets, it’s important to think creatively about how you can utilize the space.

One trick that I often use is installing wire shelves inside cabinet doors. This provides extra storage for spices or cleaning supplies without taking up valuable shelf space.

Another option is to invest in stackable containers or drawer organizers to help maximize vertical space and keep items easily accessible.

Don’t forget about the oft-neglected corner cabinets – a lazy susan or pull-out shelving unit can work wonders in utilizing this tricky area efficiently.