How to Dry Flowers Quickly: A Comprehensive Guide

Flowers are vibrant, beautiful, and transient. They’re a delight to behold, but their beauty doesn’t last forever. Unless, of course, you dry them. Drying flowers allows you to preserve their beauty and use them for various decorative and creative purposes, such as making potpourri, framed floral art, or even beautiful bookmarks. Drying flowers can typically take weeks, but there are ways to speed up the process. This article explores several methods you can employ to dry flowers quickly and effectively.

The Basics of Flower Drying

Before we delve into the methods, it’s important to understand some basic principles of flower drying. The goal is to remove moisture while retaining the flower’s shape and color as much as possible.

  1. Choosing the Right Flowers: Not all flowers dry well. It’s best to choose ones that naturally retain their color and form when dried. Some good options include roses, lavender, hydrangeas, and larkspur.
  2. Harvesting at the Right Time: Flowers should be harvested when they are at their peak or just before. Morning is the best time to harvest flowers for drying, after the dew has evaporated but before the heat of the day.
  3. Prepping the Flowers: Remove any unwanted leaves, then bundle the stems together using a rubber band or string. If you’re using a fast-drying method, you may want to dry the flowers individually.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore the different quick-drying methods.

Quick Flower Drying Methods

1. Silica Gel Drying

Pouch with Silica

Silica gel is a desiccant that absorbs moisture from its surroundings. It’s one of the best ways to dry flowers quickly while preserving their color and shape.

Materials: Silica gel, airtight container, flowers


  1. Fill the bottom of your container with a layer of silica gel.
  2. Place your flowers on top of the gel, ensuring they do not overlap.
  3. Gently pour more silica gel around and over the flowers until they are completely covered.
  4. Seal the container and leave it for 2-6 days, depending on the flower’s size and type.
  5. Once the flowers are dry, gently pour off the silica gel to reveal your dried flowers.

Note: Silica gel can be reused. After a drying cycle, you can dry it out in an oven and store it for future use.

2. Microwave Drying

The microwave can be used to dry flowers quickly. However, it’s a delicate process that requires careful attention to avoid burning the flowers.

Materials: Microwave, microwavable dish, flowers, silica gel, cup of water


  1. Place a layer of silica gel at the bottom of the dish.
  2. Arrange your flowers on top of the silica gel.
  3. Sprinkle more silica gel over the flowers until they are completely covered.
  4. Place a small cup of water in the microwave alongside your dish. This helps to prevent the flowers from getting too dry and catching fire.
  5. Set the microwave to its defrost setting or a similar low-heat setting.
  6. Start with 2-minute intervals, checking the flowers after each interval. The total drying time should be between 5 to 10 minutes.
  7. Once dried, remove the flowers carefully and brush off any remaining silica gel.

3. Oven Drying

Drying flowers in the oven is another quick method, although it requires careful monitoring to prevent the flowers from burning.

Materials: Oven, baking sheets, parchment paper, flowers


  1. Preheat your oven to the lowest setting, usually between 100-200°F (37-93°C).
  2. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper.
  3. Arrange your flowers on the baking sheet. Make sure they don’t overlap.
  4. Place the baking sheet in the oven. Leave the oven door slightly ajar to allow moisture to escape.
  5. Check your flowers every 30 minutes. The drying process can take 1-3 hours depending on the type and size of the flowers.
  6. Once the flowers are completely dry, carefully remove the baking sheet from the oven and allow the flowers to cool before handling.

4. Air Drying with a Fan

While traditional air drying can take weeks, introducing a fan into the equation can significantly speed up the process.

Materials: Fan, string or rubber bands, flowers


  1. Group a few flowers together and secure their stems with a rubber band or string.
  2. Hang these groups upside down in a warm, dry room.
  3. Position a fan so that it blows air across the flowers. Make sure the fan isn’t too close to avoid damaging the flowers.
  4. Leave the flowers to dry for several days, checking on them regularly. The process might take between 2 to 5 days depending on the flower type and the environmental conditions.

Tips to Enhance the Drying Process

Regardless of the method you choose, here are some additional tips to enhance the drying process:

  1. Patience: Despite these being quicker methods, flower drying still takes time. Rushing might lead to less than desirable results.
  2. Monitor the Process: Keep a close eye on your flowers, especially when using heat-based methods like the microwave or oven. This helps prevent burning.
  3. Handling: Handle dried flowers gently. They become fragile and can break easily.
  4. Storage: Store dried flowers in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight to preserve their color and shape.
  5. Use Quickly: While drying extends the life of flowers, they can still degrade over time. Use them for your crafts or decoration as soon as possible.

Advanced Flower Drying Techniques

While the previous methods have proven to be effective, there are advanced techniques that can help to dry flowers quickly while also retaining their original color and form even better.

1. Freeze Drying

Freeze-drying is a process that involves freezing the flowers, then reducing the surrounding pressure and adding heat to allow the frozen water in the material to sublimate directly from the solid phase to the gas phase.

Materials: Freeze dryer, flowers


  1. Arrange your flowers in the freeze dryer. Make sure they are not overlapping.
  2. Run the freeze dryer according to its manual. This process can take between 5 to 14 days depending on the type and size of the flowers.
  3. Once the process is complete, the flowers will be completely dry and will have retained their shape and color beautifully.

Note: While this process does take longer than the other quick-drying methods, it is the best way to maintain the color and structure of the original flowers. However, the downside is that freeze dryers are quite expensive, making this method less accessible for casual crafters.

2. Dehydrator Drying

dehydrating Colorful Flowers 1

A food dehydrator can also be used to dry flowers effectively. The controlled environment of a dehydrator can produce great results.

Materials: Dehydrator, flowers


  1. Arrange the flowers on the dehydrator trays, ensuring they don’t overlap.
  2. Set the dehydrator to a low setting, generally between 95-115°F (35-46°C).
  3. Let the flowers dry for 2-8 hours. Check on them frequently to avoid over-drying.
  4. Once dried, let them cool before removing from the trays.

Note: This method works best with sturdy flowers like roses, marigolds, or sunflowers. Delicate flowers might shrivel in the dehydrator.

Tips for Displaying Dried Flowers

Once your flowers are dried, they’re ready to be displayed or used in crafts. Here are some tips to help you showcase your dried flowers in the best way:

  1. Framed Art: Dried flowers can be arranged in a picture frame for a unique piece of wall art.
  2. Potpourri: Dried flowers, especially those with a strong natural scent, are perfect for creating potpourri.
  3. Wreaths and Garlands: Dried flowers can be used to create beautiful wreaths and garlands for decoration.
  4. Bookmarks: Pressed, dried flowers can be used to create beautiful bookmarks.
  5. Jewelry: Dried flowers can be embedded in resin to create unique jewelry pieces.

Remember, dried flowers are delicate and should be handled with care. Keep them out of direct sunlight, which can cause the colors to fade, and avoid high-moisture environments, which can cause the flowers to become moldy.

Troubleshooting Common Issues in Flower Drying

Even with the best efforts, you might encounter some problems during the flower drying process. Here are a few common issues and solutions to help you get the best results:

1. Flowers Losing Color

While some color loss is normal during the drying process, significant fading may be a result of excessive heat or sunlight exposure. To retain color better, always dry flowers in a cool, dark place and avoid high-heat methods for flowers with vibrant colors. Certain flowers naturally retain their color better when dried, including strawflowers, celosia, globe amaranth, and larkspur.

2. Flowers Becoming Moldy

Mold usually occurs when flowers are not dried quickly enough, and there’s too much moisture left in the blooms. To prevent this, ensure that flowers are completely dry before storing. If you’re air-drying, ensure good air circulation around the flowers, and avoid high-humidity environments. For oven or microwave drying, make sure to use appropriate heat settings and durations.

3. Flowers Wilting or Shrinking

Some flowers may wilt or shrink during the drying process. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as too high heat, improper handling, or simply the nature of the flower. For instance, delicate flowers like pansies may not hold up well to heat-based drying methods. Experiment with different methods to find what works best for the specific types of flowers you’re drying.

Preserving Dried Flowers

After your flowers have been successfully dried, you’ll want to preserve them so they can maintain their beauty for as long as possible. Here are some tips for preserving dried flowers:

  1. Avoid Sunlight: Direct sunlight can cause dried flowers to fade quickly. Always display them in a location out of direct sunlight.
  2. Avoid Moisture: Humidity and moisture can ruin dried flowers. Keep them in a dry location, and consider using a dehumidifier if necessary.
  3. Handle with Care: Dried flowers are fragile. Handle them as little as possible and always with gentle care.
  4. Use a Sealant: Consider spraying your dried flowers with a sealant or hairspray. This can help them retain their color and shape longer.
  5. Store Properly: If you’re not using the flowers immediately, store them in a box filled with tissue paper or more silica gel. This will help absorb any excess moisture and prevent the flowers from being crushed.

Drying flowers quickly is an art that requires patience, careful handling, and attention to detail. Whether you’re using a microwave, an oven, silica gel, a dehydrator, or even a freeze dryer, the key is to monitor the process to ensure the flowers don’t lose their shape or color. By following these methods, you can extend the beauty of your favorite flowers and create stunning crafts and decorations.