35 Eco-Friendly Decoration Ideas for Your Home

In recent years, environmental awareness and sustainability have become increasingly important. Many people are looking for ways to reduce their ecological footprint, and one way to do so is by incorporating eco-friendly decorations in your home. This article will present 35 eco-friendly decoration ideas to help you create a sustainable, beautiful, and comfortable living space.

Reclaimed Wood Furniture

Reclaimed Wood Furniture

Reclaimed wood furniture is made from salvaged or recycled wood that has been repurposed into new pieces. This reduces the need for new wood and helps preserve forests. Look for dining tables, chairs, and bookshelves made from reclaimed wood to add a rustic touch to your home.

Bamboo Accents

Antique chests made of woven bamboo as furnishings

Bamboo is a rapidly renewable resource that is both durable and lightweight. Consider incorporating bamboo accents, such as bamboo blinds, curtains, or furniture, into your home design.

LED Lighting

LED Lighting

LED lights are energy-efficient and long-lasting, reducing your carbon footprint and saving you money on electricity. Swap out your traditional light bulbs for LED alternatives and consider adding LED strip lights for a modern touch.

Solar-Powered Decor

Solar-Powered Decor

Solar-powered decor items, like garden lights or wall-mounted lamps, are both stylish and energy-efficient. By harnessing the power of the sun, you’ll reduce your energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Recycled Metal Art

Recycled fish Art

Recycled metal art is a unique and eco-friendly way to add personality to your home. Look for sculptures, wall hangings, or other decorative pieces made from repurposed metal materials.

Upcycled Glassware

DIY / 10 Best Ideas from recycled Glass jars /Kitchen decor

Transform used glass bottles and jars into beautiful vases, candle holders, or planters. This DIY project is an inexpensive and eco-friendly way to add a pop of color to your home.

Organic Cotton Linens

Organic Cotton Linens

Organic cotton is grown without the use of harmful chemicals, making it an eco-friendly choice for bedding, towels, and curtains. Swap out your synthetic linens for organic cotton alternatives to create a healthier home environment.

Living Walls

plants on wall

Living walls, or vertical gardens, bring nature into your home while improving indoor air quality. Add a living wall to your living room, kitchen, or bedroom for a lush and eco-friendly focal point.

Low VOC Paint

Odorless Paint For Walls | Zero VOC Paints | What are VOCs?

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in traditional paint can contribute to poor indoor air quality. Choose low VOC or zero VOC paint for your walls to reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals.

Natural Fiber Rugs

Natural Fiber Rugs

Rugs made from natural fibers, such as jute, sisal, or seagrass, are biodegradable and eco-friendly. Replace synthetic rugs with natural alternatives to create a healthier and more sustainable living space.

Eco-Friendly Wallpaper

Eco Friendly Washable Wallpaper

Choose wallpaper made from sustainably sourced materials, like recycled paper or FSC-certified wood pulp, to add pattern and texture to your walls without harming the environment.

Vintage Furniture

Old vintage furniture with clay pots

Vintage or antique furniture pieces are an eco-friendly option because they require no new resources to produce. Shop at thrift stores or antique shops for unique and sustainable home furnishings.

Indoor Plants

Indoor Plants

Indoor plants not only add life and color to your home, but they also help purify the air. Add a variety of low-maintenance plants, like snake plants or spider plants, to your living space for a healthier home.

Recycled Paper Decor

Recycled Paper Decors

Recycled paper can be transformed into beautiful and eco-friendly home decor items, such as wall art, lampshades, or even furniture. Look for products made from recycled paper or try making your own DIY decor.

Cork Accessories

Cork drink coaster

Cork is a renewable, biodegradable material that can be used for a variety of home accessories, like coast.

Terracotta Pottery

Terracotta Pottery as planter

Terracotta is an eco-friendly material made from natural clay. Add terracotta pots, vases, or decorative bowls to your home for a rustic, earthy touch.

Handmade Textiles

Handmade Textiles

Support local artisans and reduce your environmental impact by incorporating handmade textiles, like throw blankets or pillow covers, into your home decor. Look for items made from natural, sustainable materials.

Energy-Efficient Window Treatments

Energy Efficient Window Treatments That Can Save You Money | Blinds.com

Choose energy-efficient window treatments, like thermal curtains or cellular shades, to help regulate your home’s temperature and reduce energy consumption.

Repurposed Pallet Furniture

Pallet armchairs

Pallets can be repurposed into unique and eco-friendly furniture pieces, such as coffee tables, shelves, or benches. Look for DIY tutorials online or buy pre-made pallet furniture from eco-conscious retailers.

Beeswax Candles

Making beeswax candles

Beeswax candles are a natural, non-toxic alternative to paraffin candles. They also produce a warm, inviting glow that adds ambiance to any room.

Salvaged Architectural Elements

Using Architectural Salvage

Incorporate salvaged architectural elements, like antique doors or reclaimed wood beams, into your home for a one-of-a-kind, eco-friendly design feature.

Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

Natural cleaning products lemon and baking soda with bamboo dish brushes
Natural cleaning products lemon and baking soda with bamboo dish brushes. Eco friendly. Zero waste concept. Plastic free.

Swap out harsh chemical cleaners for non-toxic, eco-friendly alternatives. This will create a healthier living environment and reduce your home’s environmental impact.

Reusable Shopping Bags

Eco bag mockup

Replace single-use plastic bags with reusable shopping bags made from natural fibers, like cotton or hemp. Store them in a stylish, eco-friendly bag holder for easy access.

Fair Trade Home Accessories

Fair Trade Home Decor - Now Open at 828 Orange Avenue!

Support ethical and sustainable production practices by purchasing fair trade home accessories, like hand-woven baskets or ethically sourced wood carvings.

Recycled Plastic Furniture

Terrace table made of white pallet standing on plastic trestles

Choose outdoor furniture made from recycled plastic to reduce your plastic consumption and support a circular economy.

Air-Purifying Houseplants

Air-Purifying Houseplants

Select houseplants that are known for their air-purifying properties, like English ivy or rubber plants, to improve indoor air quality and add natural beauty to your home.

Sustainable Kitchenware

Sustainable Kitchenware

Opt for kitchenware made from sustainable materials, like bamboo cutting boards, silicone storage bags, or stainless-steel straws, to reduce your environmental impact.

Second-Hand Artwork

Second-Hand Artwork

Shop for second-hand artwork at thrift stores, estate sales, or online marketplaces to find unique and eco-friendly pieces for your home.

DIY Fabric Wall Hangings

How to Make Fabric Wall Art - Easy DIY Tutorial

Create your own fabric wall hangings using upcycled or organic textiles. This DIY project is a simple and eco-friendly way to add color and texture to your walls.

Energy-Efficient Appliances

Energy-Efficient Appliances sign

Upgrade your home appliances to energy-efficient models to save energy, reduce your carbon footprint, and lower your utility bills.

Natural Stone Decor

Natural Stones

Incorporate natural stone elements, like marble, granite, or slate, into your home design for a durable and eco-friendly touch.

Eco-Friendly Flooring

Eco-Friendly Flooring

Choose flooring made from sustainable materials, like cork, reclaimed wood, or linoleum, to create a green and stylish foundation for your home.

Wool or Organic Cotton Throws

Wool Throws

Add cozy warmth to your living space with throws made from wool or organic cotton. These natural materials are biodegradable, sustainable, and gentle on the environment.

Rainwater Collection System

System for collecting rainwater

Install a rainwater collection system to use for watering your indoor plants or garden. This eco-friendly practice conserves water and helps reduce your water usage.

Repurposed Storage Solutions


Transform vintage suitcases, crates, or wooden boxes into unique and eco-friendly storage solutions for your home.

Choosing Sustainable Materials

When it comes to choosing sustainable materials for your home decor, there are a variety of options available. One great choice is bamboo, which grows quickly and can be harvested without harming the environment.

Another eco-friendly option is reclaimed wood, which gives old materials new life while reducing waste.

If you’re looking for something with a modern edge, consider using recycled glass in your decor. Pieces made from discarded bottles or jars can add unique texture and color to any room.

Additionally, natural fibers like cotton and wool are renewable resources that can make beautiful rugs, pillows, and other textiles.

When shopping for sustainable materials, don’t forget to look for certifications like Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or Cradle to Cradle (C2C). These labels indicate that the product has been responsibly sourced and manufactured with environmental considerations in mind.

By choosing sustainable materials for your home decor, you can reduce your carbon footprint while creating a stylish space that reflects your values.

Incorporating Plants And Greenery

Adding plants and greenery to your home is a wonderful way to create an eco-friendly decoration theme. Not only do they add visual interest, but they also purify the air while reducing stress levels. To make the most of their benefits, consider placing them in strategic locations such as near windows or in areas where you spend much of your time.

One popular trend is creating a living wall. Vertical gardens are not only beautiful, but they can also help insulate homes by providing extra layers of protection against temperature changes. Living walls can be made with anything from old pallets to repurposed gutters, making this project both affordable and sustainable.

Another idea is to use hanging planters for added texture and dimension. Macrame hangers or repurposed light fixtures can provide an interesting display that draws the eye upward, giving rooms more depth without taking up valuable floor space. This low-maintenance option works well for those who may not have access to outdoor spaces or have pets that like to nibble on foliage.

Plants and greenery offer many benefits beyond aesthetics alone; incorporating them into your decor can increase overall wellness while helping reduce carbon footprints. With multiple options available for any skill level or budget, there’s no better time than now to start adding some life into your home!

Using Energy-Efficient Lighting

Not only does it reduce your carbon footprint and save money on electricity bills, but it also creates a warm and inviting atmosphere in your living space.

One way to incorporate energy-efficient lighting is by switching to LED bulbs. They use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs and last much longer. Plus, they come in a variety of colors and styles to fit any decor style.

Another option is installing motion-sensor lights or timers in rooms where you frequently forget to turn off the lights. This ensures that you’re not wasting unnecessary energy when no one is using the room.

And if you want to take it a step further, consider investing in smart-home technology that allows you to control your lighting from your phone or voice-activated devices.

With these simple changes, you can make a big impact on both the environment and your wallet. So why not start now? By choosing energy-efficient lighting options, you’ll be creating a more sustainable and cozy home for yourself and future generations to enjoy.

Minimizing Waste and Embracing Minimalism

When it comes to decorating the home in an eco-friendly way, there are many options available. One approach that is gaining popularity is minimizing waste and embracing minimalism. This means creating a space that is simple, functional, and free from unnecessary clutter.

One way to do this is by choosing furniture and decor items made from sustainable materials such as bamboo or recycled wood. These materials have a smaller environmental footprint compared to traditional materials like plastic or particleboard.

Additionally, selecting multi-functional pieces can help reduce clutter and maximize your use of space.

Another strategy for reducing waste and promoting minimalism is adopting a ‘less is more’ mindset when it comes to decorating. Rather than filling every nook and cranny with decorations, choose a few statement pieces that will add personality and style without overwhelming the room.

Remember: sometimes empty space can be just as impactful as a fully decorated area!

By prioritizing sustainability and simplicity in your decorating choices, you can create a beautiful home that not only looks great but also helps protect our planet for future generations. So take some time to consider how you might incorporate these principles into your own living spaces – it’s a small step towards making a big difference!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Money Will I Save By Implementing These Eco-Friendly Decoration Ideas?

To find out how much money you can save by implementing eco-friendly decoration ideas, you need to consider several factors.

For example, energy-efficient lighting and appliances will reduce your electricity bills.

Similarly, using organic materials for furniture and decor will last longer and require less maintenance in the long run.

Additionally, investing in plants not only adds a natural touch but also improves air quality while reducing stress levels.

Are There Any Health Benefits to Incorporating Plants and Greenery in My Home Decor?

Incorporating plants and greenery into your home decor can have numerous health benefits.

Not only do they improve air quality by removing toxins, but studies have also shown that having plants in your living space can reduce stress levels, boost mood, and even aid in concentration.

Plus, they add a touch of natural beauty to any room.

So if you’re looking for an easy way to enhance your well-being while sprucing up your home, adding some leafy friends might be the perfect solution!

Can I Still Achieve a Stylish and Modern Look with Eco-Friendly Materials and Decor?

Yes, you absolutely can achieve a stylish and modern look with eco-friendly materials and decor.

In fact, using sustainable materials like bamboo or recycled glass can add a unique touch to your home’s design.

And don’t forget about incorporating plants into your decor – not only do they bring life and color into the room, but there are also health benefits associated with having greenery in your space.

Are There Any Specific Certifications or Labels to Look for When Choosing Sustainable Materials?

When choosing sustainable materials for your home, it’s important to look for specific certifications and labels that indicate their eco-friendliness.

Some common ones include the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for responsibly sourced wood, the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) label for organic fabrics, and the Energy Star certification for energy-efficient appliances.

By opting for products with these certifications, you can ensure that you’re making environmentally conscious choices in your home decor without sacrificing style or modernity.

How Do I Dispose of Old Decor Items in an Eco-Friendly Way?

If you’re wondering how to dispose of old decor items in an eco-friendly way, there are a few options to consider.

First, try to repurpose the item in another part of your home or donate it to someone who could use it.

If neither option is feasible, check with your local recycling center to see if they accept the material. Some materials, like glass and certain plastics, can be recycled into new products.

Finally, if all else fails, dispose of the item properly in a landfill rather than illegally dumping it. Even though this may not seem eco-friendly at first glance, proper disposal prevents harm to wildlife and ecosystems that could occur from illegal dumping.